The APHA Disability Section seeks to recognize individuals who have made exemplary contributions to the field. Please fill out this survey to nominate yourself or another person for one of the Disability Section awards described in this survey and in the attached hard copy of the nomination form. Nominators do not need to be members of the APHA Disability Section.

At the end of the survey, in 500 words or less, you must answer the question about why your nominee is deserving of the award you have specified. You may address the importance of the nominee's contributions, the quality of the work, and the originality of the nominee's contributions as an exemplar. See eligibility criteria for each award listed to determine the nominee membership requirements associated with each particular award.
Additionally, you must attach the nominee's curriculum vitae or resume as either a Microsoft Word or PDF document.
If you wish to nominate more than one person, you must complete a separate survey for each nominee.
For the Advocacy Award, you may nominate an organization. If you nominate an organization, please provide a link to the organization's website.

Please read the description of each award and indicate whether or not you plan to nominate someone for that award. After the description of the awards, please enter the contact information requested so that we can communicate with you and your nominee about the award.

If you have questions about the nomination process, please contact Linda Long-Bellil by email at with the words "Awards Nomination" in the email subject line.

The deadline for nominations is midnight (11:59 p.m.) Pacific time on Friday, May 31, 2024. The winners will receive their awards at the 2024 APHA Annual Meeting during the Disability Section Business and Awards Meeting in Atlanta in November. Winners will be notified by June 30th and must provide a digital photograph in a jpg or tiff format and at least 300 dpi for the annual program.
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